- Support in biomarker studies: Participation as a partner in national or international research projects related to molecular biomarkers in prion, neurological, or infectious diseases.
- Support in genetic studies: Participation as a partner or execution of proyects related with the identification of the genetic basis of diseases.
Collaboration in microbiota studies: Design and execution of projects to analyze gut microbiota in relation to animal and human diseases.
- Consultancy for animal health and One Health projects: Guidance on integrating interdisciplinary approaches in projects related to infectious diseases, microbiota, or neurodegenerative conditions.
- Technical training: Courses and workshops on advanced genomic, transcriptomic, microbiota analysis, or molecular diagnostic techniques for students, researchers, or veterinary and biomedical professionals.
- Molecular characterization of pathogens: Identification and analysis of microorganisms using techniques such as MLST, whole-genome sequencing, or antibiotic resistance gene profiling.
- Molecular diagnosis of pathogens: Use of conserved sequences (16S-rRNA, ITS) to identify cryptic microorganisms responsible for animal pathologies.
- Development of cellular models: Creation of in vitro models based on MSCs or iPSCs to study prion or neurological diseases.
- Exosome characterization: Identification of biomarkers in exosomes for the early diagnosis of different diseases in domestic animals.
- Genotyping of genes associated with prion diseases: Identification of genetic variants in animals to assess susceptibility or resistance to prion diseases.
- Genotyping of known mutations related to animal diseases with a genetic origin.
- Genomic and transcriptomic sequencing: Identification of molecular biomarkers in various animal species using advanced technologies such as SNP arrays, RNA-seq, or exosome analysis.
- Gut microbiota studies: Metagenomic analysis to evaluate the impact of microbiota on neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as canine idiopathic epilepsy or ovine scrapie.
Our group has numerous protocols to detect infectious agents of interest in wildlife using molecular biology techniques, such as Plasmodium spp., Haemoproteus spp., Toxoplasma gondii, fungal and bacterial agents, and viral agents (e.g., herpesvirus, adenovirus, poxvirus).
Specialized diagnosis: pathology - serology - microbiology - new genetic tools.
New techniques for comprehensive hunting management.
Integrated control of shared diseases.
Biotechnology applied to livestock and hunting.
Development and application of the latest technologies in integrated wildlife monitoring: censuses, health surveillance, etc.
Identification of new antigens and vaccine development.
Applications of proteomics, metabolomics and systems biology in the health field and in animal production.
Development of new tools for diagnosing infections in wildlife.
Population genetics and its application to the solution of health and management needs.
Provision of services to the public administration, animal production companies, veterinary professionals, zoos and aquariums for the pathological diagnosis of diseases in different animal species.
• Provision of services and scientific collaboration with companies and research centers / groups for the evaluation of the effects of diets / treatments / vaccines in animal species, as well as for the optimization of production protocols.
• Advice to companies and research centers / groups in the evaluation of the health status and well-being of production and experimental animals (team members have training certificates in the protection of experimental animals).
INIA-CISA takes part of the Biological Alert Laboratory Network (RE-LAB), under the Presidency of the Government and dedicated to dealing with threats caused by biological
Coordinators INIA-CISA for RELAB: Miguel Angel Jiménez (majimenez@inia.es) y Alejandro Brun (brun@inia,es)
The INIA-CISA, with IRTA-CReSA, belongs to the Network of High Biosafety Laboratories (RLASB) and offers the possibility to work in its Biosafety facility.
Coordinators INIA-CISA for RELASB: Dirección ( Maria Luisa Arias Neira arias@inia.es) y Dirección técnica, Lara del Rio delrio.lara@inia.es;
INIA-CISA is Reference Centre in Biosafety for FAO (INIA-CISA) Technical Director: Gonzalo Pascual Álvarez gpascual@inia.es;
The VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) was appointed as the European Union Reference Laboratory for Bovine Tuberculosis in 2008 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 737/2008)
Design, production and characterization of bio- and nanomaterials, body tissues, medical devices and systems, from a physico-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological perspective as part of NANBIOSIS, one of the Spain’s 29 Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructures (ICTS) recognised by the Consejo de Política Científica, Tecnológica e Innovación (CPCTI of the MINECO) in collaboration with the Centre for Biomedical Research Network in Biomaterials, Bioengineering and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN).
- U14. Cell Therapy. http://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u14-cell-therapy/
- U19. Clinical Tests Lab. http://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u19-clinical-tests-lab/
- U21. Experimental Operating Rooms. http://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u21-experimental-operating-rooms/
- U22. Animal Housing. http://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u22-animal-housing/
- U23. Assisted Reproduction. https://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u23-assisted-reproduction/
- U24. Medical Imaging. https://www.nanbiosis.es/portfolio/u24-medical-imaging/
The High Biological Safety Laboratories Network (RLASB) is a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) of High Biological Safety laboratories that offers the possibility of using integrated laboratory and animal services, exclusively dedicated to work with infectious agents that demand conditions of high biological security for its manipulation. Due to its size, size and capacity, both High Security Biological Installations are unique at a national and international level, given that there are very few laboratories of these characteristics and this capacity. The RLASB is a distributed ICTS infrastructure formed by two nodes.: (1) BCL-3 of the Animal Health Research Center INIA-CISA, and (2) BCL-3 of the Animal Health Research Center IRTA-CReSA.
Facility that has BSL-3 biosafety laboratories and BSL-3 necropsy room working with biological agents listed in Risk Group 3 (former OIE List A). This area has also a ABSL-3 animal facilities with three individual boxes with air conditioning and independent access to allow the simultaneous performance of different assays and controls.
SEVISEQ (Equine Health Surveillance Unit) is created due to the need of support for the official institutions and is focused on several aspects: the high presence of equine infectious diseases in Spain, the existence of clinical outbreaks, the lack of awareness regarding the importance of equine infectious diseases by horse owners and professionals of the equine industry, and the importance of a correct application of prevention and control measures in every equine premises.
The work at SEVISEQ is divided into six lines:
- Diagnosis of acute infection.
- Analysis of samples prior to exportation and sales.
- Analysis of samples for the annual health surveillance in breeding stud farms.
- Technical assistance to veterinary surgeons.
- Production of health surveillance reports.
- Research in equine infectious diseases.
Mycobacteria Unit routinely performs bacteriological and molecular diagnose of infections produced mainly by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis and avium complexes. Moreover, it realizes studies of molecular and epidemiological characterization. The main lines of research are to set up new technologies for the diagnosis (in vivo e in vitro) of the main principal diseases caused by mycobacteria, as well as the development of new technology for molecular characterization studies. The laboratory also designs field studies of control and eradication programs in problem situations for subsequent implementation at a national level. The laboratory also advises Animal Health Services of the Autonomous Communities, farmers and veterinarians, as well as Ministries. In addition as European Union Reference Laboratory for Bovine Tuberculosis, they provide technical and scientific support to all National Reference Laboratories (NRL) and the official veterinary services of the European Union.
Viral Immunology and Preventive Medicine Unit has been developed several lines of research related to the diagnosis of animal viruses (African swine fever, classical swine fever, African horse sickness, bluetongue…) And risk analysis of possible entry and spread of infectious diseases in our country (in addition to those mentioned above, also foot & mouth disease, West Nile, avian flu) The group also develops the tasks of the reference laboratory for the OIE to African swine fever and African horse sickness, and has extensive experience in the management of these and other diseases such as classical swine fever. He also actively collaborates with OIE, FAO, OIRSA, DG SANCO and EFSA.
The scientific interest of the service focuses on the study of infectious diseases in animals and in particular the development of new diagnostic techniques, new generation vaccines and new strategies for their control through risk analysis and modeling, as well as establishment of networks for health monitoring.
Foodborne Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance Unit became operational in 1996 based on the Veterinary Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (VAV). Nowadays, it includes the study of different food-borne zoonoses (Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Yersinia, Staphylococcus aureus ...). It is also responsible for analyzing antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic organisms, commensal bacteria of the intestinal tract or clinical isolates. The group has several lines of research on the characterization of important foodborne pathogens for Public Health and the mechanisms involved in the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance by using molecular tecniques as well as sequencing. It is outstanding the leadership of this group in international research projects and its collaboration with Public Administrations and companies. ZTA gives support to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) and the Community of Madrid developing surveillance programs for zoonotic agents.
Pathology and forensic veterinary medicine unit currently works on routine diagnosis of infectious and nutritional outbreaks that originate in animal production, mainly pigs, small ruminants and aquaculture. We actively participate in the description of the pathological mechanisms that occur in the development of new vaccines and drug treatments , both experimentally and farms, identifying potential adverse effects.
Our group has wide experience in the field of experimental cancer models both the histopathological and immunohistochemical studies, as well as the application of new diagnostic tools such as PROFILING AND IMAGING (MALDI TOF). Actually, our major effort is focused on the development and application of these new technologies to the field of pathology image.
Servicio de Zoonosis Emergentes, de Baja Prevalencia y Agresivos Biológicos realiza tareas de vigilancia epidemiológica y monitorización de patógenos emergentes y/o ignorados en distintas especies hospedadores (y en los posibles vectores en su caso). Algunos de estos agentes infecciosos presentan una aparente baja prevalencia, lo que hace que no sean tenidos en cuenta como prioridades en la mayoría de programas de Sanidad Animal a pesar de las graves consecuencias que puede implicar su presencia. La realidad es que la situación real de muchas de estas enfermedades se desconoce, y debido a los cambios en el clima y al incremento en los movimientos migratorios se han creado situaciones favorables para su propagación en entornos inicialmente libres de las mismas. La vigilancia epidemiológica constituye una herramienta útil y eficaz en la prevención y control de posibles brotes. El servicio colabora con administraciones locales y de comunidades autónomas en la monitorización de varias enfermedades.
This unit is focused on the study at the phenotypic, genomic and protein leves of pathogenic bacteria of veterinary interest. The main activities of the Unit are divided into three research lines that are closely related: clinical diagnosis (using phenotypic, molecular and chemotaxonomic methods, the molecular characterization of pathogenic bacteria of relevant clinical significance for epidemiological purposes and description of new bacterial species (bacterial taxonomy). The molecular characterization allows tracing epidemiological links between strains associated with outbreaks of disease, global epidemiological studies, monitoring programs, etc. Studies of bacterial taxonomy not only allow the description of new species but also allow, for example, the association of different pathogens with atypical clinical processes.